Custom Plastic Injection Moulding Company
Manufacture a wide range of Plastic Products
- Nursery Products
- Round Plastic Flower Pots
- Square Plastic Flower Pots
- Seedtrays and Sowing Trays
- Micro Green Trays and Multi Cavity Pots
- Bed markers, Row Markers, T-Markers
- Hanging Bowls
- Window boxes
- Electrical Plastic Components
- Farming - Animal Tagging and Feeding
- Gardening Accessories
- Plastic Containers – Industrial Storage Bins etc.
- Plastic Components for Water Pumps etc
- Washtrough / Basin – Outdoor / Laundry
We manufacture a wide range of Plastic Products
Injection Moulded Plastic Products
Nursery & Agricultural Products

- Plant Pots
- Hydroponic / Net Pots
- Flower Baskets, Stands and Holders
- Plastic Flower Pots
- Tree Ties
- Horse Drinking Troughs
- Hydroponic Accessories
- Hydroponic Liners
- Plant Ladders
- Plastic Planters
- Seedling Planters
- Terracotta Planters
- Plantscaping Products
- Pot Holders
- Plastic Plant Pots
- Seed Boxes
- Seedling Trays
- Window Boxes
Plastic Containers & Packaging Products
- Plastic Bulk Bins and Plastic Storage Bins
- Bins Food Reception
- Sorting Bins / Stackable Bins
- Plastic Buckets for Industrial and Food
- Plastic Containers - Clear and Industrial
- Plastic Tubs